Saturday, May 28, 2016

Best Time to Get Pregnant

If you and your partner are ready to start a family you are probably wondering “When is the best time to get pregnant?” Knowing the answer to this makes the whole process of conceiving much easier, as you will be able to concentrate your efforts during the period when success is probable. It is fairly easy to figure out when you ovulate, and hence when the window of best opportunity opens up for you to conceive.

To help you fully understand how your monthly cycle works and how you will use it to determine when the best time to get pregnant is, let us start with some basic facts.

When is the Best Time to Get Pregnant: Methods


The Luteal Phase

The Luteal Phase is generally 14 days long, starting on the day you ovulate and ending on the first day of menstruation. This phase is often referred to as the post ovulation time. Most women have a fixed luteal phase, with menstruation beginning on the 15th day after ovulation. I know this hardly sounds simple, but once you start paying attention to your cycle it will all make more sense.

A fairly simple way to figure out when you ovulate involves simple subtraction. On the first day of menstruation subtract 12-16 days to pinpoint your most fertile period. This is a straightforward way of figuring out when is the best time to get pregnant.

The Basal Body Temperature Method

This is another easy way to figure out when you are ovulating. It involves taking the vaginal temperature each day with a calibrated basal body temperature thermometer. On the day you ovulate the internal temperature of the vagina will be slightly higher than normal.

When is the Best Time to Get Pregnant: The Fertile Window

The formation of the egg is the first step in the menstrual process, and begins when chumming terminates. It takes 8-12 days for the ovule to fully develop and begin its journey down the Fallopian tubes. For conception to occur a sperm must essentially intercept the egg on its journey to the uterus and fertilize it before it gets there. This puts our preliminary calculation for the phase of highest fertility between days 8 and 12 of your cycle.

However, when you consider that the sperm can stay alive and fertile for up to five days, the fertile period becomes a bit longer, as sperm deposited before the egg is released can hang around in the Fallopian tubes and fertilize the egg when it comes through. So, while the egg only lasts 12-16 hours, the longer life of the sperm widens the window considerably.

When is the Best Time to Get Pregnant: A Definitive Answer

To define the fertility window in an easy to remember format like a week, go back a few days from ovulation to account for the sperm’s longevity and put the window between day 5 and day 12 of the cycle.

This gives us a clear answer to the question “When is the best time to get pregnant?” Having sex regularly (every day) during this week long period is highly recommended to increase the chances of a successful conception.

Foods to Get Pregnant

As an expecting mother, the health of your unborn child is largely based on what you eat while you are pregnant. Too many women ignore this fact and eat lots of junk food and fast food while they are with child. It seems that all mothers would want to give their children the best possible start to their lives, and this means adhering to a proper nutrition plan while pregnant. In the following paragraphs I will cover some tips for developing a healthy and tasty pregnancy diet.

Mix It Up

Eating for optimal health does not require you to eat chicken breast and broccoli at every meal. Eat a wide variety of meats, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and legumes to make sure the growing fetus gets all the nutrients it needs. I recommend filling your fridge with all kinds of healthy foods. A good pregnancy diet does not have to be boring or limited.

Strive for Balance

The majority of the food you eat should consist of healthful choices, but it is okay to have a treat now and then too. I do not recommend polishing off a whole carton of ice cream, but a bowl of it is okay. As long as you are eating plenty of green vegetables, fiber rich foods, healthy fats, and proteins, the occasional treat will not be a problem.

No Dieting!

No woman wants to gain 100 pounds while pregnant, but that does not mean it is okay to diet. Your body has fairly high calorie requirements during this time, and not giving it what it means can be detrimental to the health of the baby and the mother. Gaining weight during pregnancy is not optional it is a requirement. Your pregnancy diet must include adequate amounts of nutritious food to support the work your body is doing each day.

Try New Foods

If you get tired of eating the usual foods, do not be afraid of branching out and trying new things. You can try new ethnic cuisines or different seasonings, or get some fruits and vegetables you never eat from the farmer’s market. You may get some unusual cravings while you are pregnant, and there is no reason for you not to indulge as long as the foods are safe for women who are with child.

What to Eat

It is important to choose the right foods to include in your pregnancy diet. The three main types of foods you need to consume are vegetables, meat and fats. Yes, you read that right. Growing fetuses need plenty of dietary fat to assist in growth and brain development. Eating full fat dairy, olive oil, avocados, and even fatty cuts of meat is highly recommended.

I also recommend eating a salad with fresh leafy greens like spinach and arugula every day, and consuming fresh fruits like blueberries, pineapple and bananas.

The ideal pregnancy diet will include a wide variety of whole foods with an emphasis on nutrient rich vegetables, essential fats, and complete proteins. This will ensure the health of both the mother and the baby.

Pregnancy Miracle - Cure Infertility & Get Pregnant Naturally

What Is Pregnancy Miracle?
There’s nothing more heartbreaking then wanting to have children with all your heart, only to be filled with disappointment month after month when you find out, yet again, that you are not pregnant. If this sounds like you, or someone you know who is trying to conceive, the Pregnancy Miracle e-book opens the door to a world of possibilities.

This new and somewhat controversial e-book is all about giving women, men, or couples, a revolutionary way to start the family they’ve always dreamed of. The Pregnancy Miracle system is based on traditional, holistic, and tried-and-true Chinese therapy, offering new hope that has been proven to boost fertility for thousands of women – even for those in their 40′s.

Pregnancy Miracle offers an all-natural solution to infertility, and while you might feel the odds are against you, countless individuals have had incredible luck with the program, eventually giving birth to healthy children.

The system works for both men and women and it can help you get results and achieve pregnancy in less than 3 months. Sound too good to be true? Even if it does; many client testimonials on behalf of this e-book say differently. You can read numerous testimonials of parents who once battled infertility – and who now have healthy children. Their testimonials back the claims that the information contained in this e-book will teach you how to battle infertility and safely get pregnant in a short amount of time without surgery, drugs, or costly infertility treatments.

Why Should You Purchase This E-Book?

It’s more than likely that if you’re reading this review, you (or a friend) may be struggling with infertility. You may have already tried to conceive a child and maybe you are on the brink of giving up. Or, you may be considering seeing a fertility specialist.

Most individuals facing fertility issues eventually get to the point that they’re stressed and tired of trying all the “helpful” tips that they have received from well-meaning friends and doctors, or they just aren’t confident that traditional treatments will work. It is true that not everyone will be able to conceive a child, but if having a child is important to you, you should NOT give up…even if doctors tell you otherwise.

If you are at the point that you feel like giving up, I highly urge you to read Pregnancy Miracle. There is nothing to lose. This book has helped thousands of people – and it may just be able to help you too. It is an affordable investment with a money back guarantee and it teaches a safe, holistic approach to pregnancy, so why not? Why shouldn’t couples hoping to fulfill their dreams of having children try this method when all others options have been exhausted? The answer is – you SHOULD read the book and try it for yourself.

This powerful e-book, the Pregnancy Miracle, is based on the author’s (Lisa Olson) 14-plus years of real world experience, and a lengthy process of trial, error, research, commitment and determination. After spending over 65,000 hours of research into alternative fertility treatment methods, including both Chinese and holistic medical research, Ms. Olson discovered a way to help her and thousands of others become pregnant – and do it naturally. Now, through her e-book, Lisa Olson shares her clinically researched, 100% guaranteed infertility treatment system.

The Pros

1. The Pregnancy Miracle system is a unique approach to curing infertility. It teaches a healthy, natural, tried-and-true method derived from ancient Chinese techniques and holistic medicine.
2. It is Very Affordable! This e-book is much more affordable than any visit with a doctor or fertility clinic.
3. Positive testimonials. Many great results have been yielded from the Pregnancy Miracle. Numerous women who had given up on having a child of their own – went on to have healthy and beautiful babies as a result of following Lisa Olsen’s advice.
4. This is an all-natural, healthy approach to overcoming infertility. It is completely natural and safe.
5. This life-changing book can be purchased today at a huge discount, and for a limited time, the purchase will include personal consulting with the book’s author, Lisa Olson, and four bonus books – also written by Ms. Olson.
6. Money back guarantee of your purchase price. There is no huge loss to worry about. Lisa Olson will refund your money if you aren’t satisfied with the results.

The Cons

1. The Pregnancy Miracle is only available as an e-book. You can’t find a physical copy anywhere. So, you can download the book and read it on your computer, tablet, or phone, or you can print out a hard copy and read from that. These days, most people prefer e-books because they can be downloaded immediately.
2. Some individuals are suspicious of “holistic” treatments and “Chinese” medicine and prefer going the standard medical route. I completely understand this! However, Chinese medicine has been around for centuries and holistic treatments boast a long history of success in treating a variety of ailments, including infertility.

About the Author

Author Lisa Olson battled infertility for nearly a decade. She decided to make it her mission to solve the problem for herself after years of unsuccessful medical infertility treatments. Ms. Olson researched and personally tried many types of approaches and cures, some of them traditional, some holistic. In the end, she finally became pregnant and in her book, she shares the methods that worked for her – and now, thousands of other women. In fact, this system has allowed her to get pregnant twice now and both of her children have grown to be healthy and strong kids. Lisa is passionate about her e-book and calls it a sure-fire and guaranteed way to become fertile naturally. Lisa made it her mission to solve the fertility issue with a natural remedy and she has succeeded.


Millions of men and women struggle every day with fertility issues. For many of us, having kids and raising a family are the most important parts of life so it is a shame that so many of us struggle to achieve this very special goal.

Luckily, when there seems to be no other option left for you to consider, there is still the Pregnancy Miracle to try. It’s a real alternative solution and unlike many of the treatments you’ll find in a doctor’s office, or at a fertility clinic, it is an affordable one, and one that has a great chance of delivering the results you’ve been looking for. And what’s more, the Pregnancy Miracle system is 100% guaranteed by the author. If it doesn’t work for you, you get your money back.

Lisa understands the struggle you are going through and that is what has made her so passionate about finding the solution. She wanted to have children and she found a way to do so. If you want to have children, she can probably help you as well. If you feel you are out of options – there is no reason you shouldn’t try the Pregnancy Miracle and possibly finally have the chance to experience the miracle of childbirth, and a heart connection like nothing you’ve ever dreamed of having in your life.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Twin Pregnancy Symptoms: First Signs of Twin Pregnancy

Pregnancy cramping happens due to uterine expansion. In ordinary pregnancy, uterine expands itself to adapt new one in less strength compared to the one which needs to make room for two at a time. Therefore, it is obvious that excessive cramping is among significant symptoms of twin pregnancy. If one feels an inordinate quantity of sleepiness, tiredness and exhausted frequently, then it could be a sign of twin pregnancy. Lethargy is normal during pregnancy, but too much of it leading to exhaustion is unusual. Generally, a woman gains weight during pregnancy, but when she is pregnant with twins afterward the fat raises considerably more.

This really is due to two placentas and much more amniotic fluid she's taking. If one gains 11-16 kgs afterward it is beneficial for ordinary pregnancy yet in the event of twins it’s going to be about 18-22 kgs. In case of normal pregnancy, discomfort appears in the later weeks or becomes worse as pregnancy advances, but for twin pregnancy, it's not the same. In the event, the woman is going through back pain in the early-phase of pregnancy; it could be a sign of bearing twins. Back pain arrives due to added weight, the woman is taking which implies more work for the muscles and raised stress on the joints, that is why the back might feel worse in the end-of the day in routine pregnancy, but this interval comes early in case there are twins due to double weight in the early stage.

Heart rate usually rises during pregnancy. Yet, in event of twins the facility has to work harder such that it may pump blood supply to support two toddlers due to which the measure increases between the 95 ranges to 105 beats per minute. Extra enlarged belly (Abdomen) appears ahead by 2-3 months i.e. when the lady is in second month of her pregnancy, it can seem to be she is 4-5 months pregnant. Compared to a woman in normal pregnancy, the woman with twin pregnancy would be far more starving. She would be starving all the period and eating like a horse.

During regular check-ups, the physician might make the parents notice the heartbeat of the infant by Doppler Ultrasound. This is probably the most memorable moments. By 9 weeks, the pulse is completely clear. In the event of twin pregnancy, double pulse is heard. This is actually the most scientific symptom. 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Prenatal Yoga: Best exercise during Pregnancy

Prenatal Yoga by Lara Dutta

Prenatal yoga not only reduces the expectant mothers from the psychological stress of maternity, but also enables their body to stay fit throughout work and labor. It can assist in offering relief to expectant mothers, from typical issues like exhaustion, fat gain, mood swings, cramps and swelling. The yoga positions are gentle means of maintaining the flexibility of body. They also reduce the typical pregnancy signs like morning illness and constipation. Respiratory control in yoga can assist with rebuilding the body form, uterine, stomach, and pelvic floor, and in reducing upper back stress and breast pain after labor.

Additional care is mandatory in selecting the yoga poses which you will exercise. Majority of the times, intense workouts such as the Surya Namaskar must be prevented for expectant mothers because the body of the expectant mothers has a tendency to be poorer and therefore, vulnerable to simple injury, that might also influence the inborn. But, entire yoga cannot be considered as harmful to the healthiness of the pregnant woman. Some positions in yoga are incredibly healthy for a pregnant woman. Some simple yoga poses may really assist the woman possess a natural labor, free from problems or Caesarean section functions and thus on.

Listed here are a couple prenatal yoga poses for expectant mothers. With this pose, you most start by lying supine on your back. Stretch your intertwined fingers getting them as near to the ankles of one's feet as possible. Even while you stretch, don't forget to inhale deeply. Exhale and relax the fingertips, even while you provide down your upper center and lastly lower physique to the ground.

Allow the body loose, permit the knees to knock against one another and relax totally. This pose has proven to open and stretch the lower belly, hips, and the groin, providing it a comprehensive workout. With this pose, you'll have to start by sitting erect on the ground with your feet outstretched. Twisting your feet in the knees, provide the soles of one's feet together so that you create butterfly's wings-like framework with your legs. The kid pose demonstrates to be profoundly helpful in opening up your chest and pelvis. Increase your arms throughout the ground in order that simply the palms dab the floor whilst your entire chest is backed by both hands, like an infant going to crawl, even while you inhale deeply. 

To the first trimester, ranking yoga poses are recommended as this can help reinforce the legs, improve flow, provide forth more electricity, and lower leg cramps. Supine poses, back-bends, and rotating may even be completed with change or whether your body is on an incline. Don't overstretch the stomach the importance of one's folding poses most be on the shoulders as well as the upper-back and never on the abdomen. Prevent performing inversion poses.

Breathing Exercises and Workout Routines

The fundamental yoga practices taught to expectant mothers are the breathing exercises which are considered essential to the charge of the energy.

A few easy Pranayams help in delivering the psychological tension and the probability of post natal depression. Some of the recommended breathing workout routines are a light type of Kapalabhatti and plenty of Anuloma-Viloma. 

Kapalabhatti: Take 2 regular breaths and then inhale. Exhale whilst tugging within the stomach and repeat as needed while maintaining the importance on exhalation. Now catch your breath fully before breathing once and keeping your breath for as long feasible. Together with your right-hand, tuck your index and center fingers in your nostrils whilst putting the thumb along with other fingers on each side of one's nostrils.

Inhale with the left nostril whilst keeping the correct one closed of your thumb and depend to four. Now repeat the workout by breathing with the proper nostril and exhaling with the left. It is essential to note that several yoga professionals warn against training yoga throughout the tenth with the 14th week of maternity because all these are critical times in growth. Poses that put stress on the stomach along with other challenging poses must not be done during advance levels of pregnancy. You don't need to do all of these Asanas and recall never to push yourself on a pose. There are lots of prenatal yoga courses for expectant mothers to workout in pregnancy. With the right method and assistance, yoga may be helpful to keep the moms-to-be fit, get them prepared to welcome their new kid.